My name is Karolina Radoń, and I hold a degree in architecture. I commenced my adventure with the profession of a designer already at the university, working at well recognized design studios in Ireland.
I have gained my experience in larger and smaller workshops in Poland, and abroad.
As a member of large teams, I’ve been designing for corporations. I have worked also at small workshops, learning the architect profession from another side.

I’ve always knew that I live to design holistic spaces. This thought is accompanied by the wish for the people to live happily and to feel deep peace at their homes. To be healthy and vital, and to be in contact with their Internal Creativity. This is the world I wanted to live in, therefore I’ve been looking for solutions …

My travels to India, and my mentors have opened me to the knowledge included in the Vedas. At the beginning, I’ve studied yoga, ajurveda, GuruGita, and fragments of the Sanskrit text BhagawadGita…to finally bump into a section of the Vedas which covers the science of space. There I’ve found Vastu Shastra, which combines mathematical order, astrology and astronomy, the knowledge of the human, ritualistic, and the respect towards the elements that surround us  and their power .

When designing commercial facilities I cooperate with other architects, engineers, trade experts responsible for system designs, with experts, with companies from the real estate market, executive companies, construction site managers, supervision inspectors …

When designing according to the rules of Vastu Shastra I work with a very good Vedic astrologist.
My holistic designs are based on the guidelines of an individual horoscope for the partners (as recommended by Vastu).
I supplement the whole with proprietary solutions, namely I use moon wood, I am ionizing and inhaling the air in a natural way …I implement solutions, which Nature gave us .

 What constitutes my own protocols is  a combination of  techniques learned over the recent years, namely the experience earned, among others, when working with the morphic field described by Rupert Sheldrake, or the system settings of Bert Hellinger.

I have invited talented people  responsible for 2D, 3D graphics, and conceptual and executive drawings to my team,
as well as a great crew to take care of the warehouse and products that you order at the boutique

About me, privately:

In total, I have moved 25 times in my life. Quite often I would end up in houses or apartments with some specific energy defect. This way, I have learned how to deal with the space. How to befriend it , and  clear the space and bring it to the state of harmony. Namely how to bring peace noticeable for the household members to the room .

India is my second home...my Heart.
In cultural, spiritual, and mental terms, it is my resource of knowledge, and an unbelievable Diamond.
I love yoga, which I do since I was 15 years old. Yoga is grounding me, makes my mornings bright, flexible, and happy. With yoga, I acquire Power with age...:)
For many years, I've been a vegetarian, for several years I've been on a quite strict diet – without sugar, without gluten, without wheat, without products with a high glycaemic index … and since then I have a lot of positive nutritional habits and a lot of knowledge related to vitamin and mineral supplementation, herbs, and adaptogens. Sometimes my friends call me "Dr. Radoń":)
I love traveling …